Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I believe that the current state of our government (not getting into politics) has influenced our society to rely more heavily upon naming and labeling in present day society more so than twenty years ago. I was in Social Services a while back, looking at their applications for food stamps and other forms of Government funded assistance. Race was a required field on the application. There were two boxes. One box read, "Hispanic or Latino". The other, "NOT Hispanic or Latino". What is the point?! What purpose does this field serve. The only thing I can come up with is that our government strives so hard to be diplomatic, politically correct, and sensitive to those who give themselves an identity other than "white". It seems as if our leaders fear having a finger pointed in their direction making accusations of being racist or unfair. This section of the application is offensive to both those of a Hispanic or Latino background as well as all others. This option is obviously a deciding factor on whether an applicant is approved or denied assistance as it was required. If two people with the same circumstances applied for assistance, were contributing members of society, and truly needed it, the government would find it easier to overlook the person who checked the box reading "NOT Hispanic or Latino" because our government considers those that are Hispanic/Latino to be part of a "minority". I don't understand why this question would be on an application for assistance. It should not influence the end result. My point: Someones' race or background shouldn't have anything to do with the outcome of a situation such as this one or any type of judgement made about a person. I am not saying that we are all the same. If someones heritage is important to them they should be proud and be able to express it if they choose.This isn't a slight against anyone who is Hispanic or Latino either. This was the reality of my experience.

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